Exhibitor’s Insights: Upright Games
Upright Games from Frankfurt am Main showcased their PC game “Royal Revolt Warriors” at Gamescom 2024. Executive Assistant and Community Manager Christian Tillmann talks about his journey at the exhibition.
ABC of Gamescom: Glossary of Key Terms
From Exhibitor Party to Social Area – we explain the essential terms you need to know about Gamescom.
How to Survive Gamescom
We’ve got some tried-and-true tips to help you prepare for Gamescom and get the most out of your experience.
Dos and Don’ts at Gamescom
To make the most out of their Gamescom experience, indie developers should keep a few tips in mind. Here’s an overview.
Exhibitioner’s Insights: Sticky Stone Studio
Sticky Stone Studio from Freiburg made its second appearance in the Home of Indies Area at Gamescom 2023. CEO Philipp Degasper shares his experiences.
Planning Your Gamescom Budget
We provide an overview of the expenses that indie exhibitors can expect at Gamescom – from the exhibition itself to transport and accommodation.
Exhibitioner‘s Insights: ByteRockers
The Berlin-based indie studio ByteRockers presented their game “Beat Slayer” at the Home of Indies Area at Gamescom in 2023. CEO Maik Reichelt shares his experiences.
Let's connect !
Christiane Gehrke
Senior Event Communication & Sales Manager
Agentur für Messen & Kommunikation GmbH
+49 170 953 22 97
Contact booth constructor
EXEV GmbH Exhibition and Events
D-50859 Koeln
Tel. +49 2234 43 52 82 5