Exhibitioner‘s Insights: ByteRockers

The Berlin-based indie studio ByteRockers presented their game “Beat Slayer” at the Home of Indies Area at Gamescom in 2023. CEO Maik Reichelt shares his experiences.

Founded in 2008, ByteRockers has a history of 16 years under its belt, and with extensive expo presence over the last seven years, we’ve gained a pretty good understanding of the challenges an indie studio must overcome to gain visibility in the gaming market. Gamescom, being the largest gaming expo in the world, offers the opportunity to showcase one’s game, gather feedback, and network. In the past, we’ve participated as exhibitors on several occasions, both within the Indie Arena Booth and independently. Our experiences were mixed, so we decided to try Home of Indies in 2023, which — spoiler alert — not only met but exceeded our expectations in many respects.

Being able to rely on people is almost more important than anything else nowadays – 

and Home of Indies is simply outstanding at that.

Maik Reichelt – CEO ByteRockers

Technology at its best

For Gamescom 2023, we booked an S-Booth at Home of Indies, the smallest option with a gaming station and an area of 1 m². Although we considered opting for a larger variant initially, we were uncertain about how far along our game would be by the time of Gamescom and how much we would be capable of showcasing. Hence, we decided to play it safe with the S-Booth.

The technology Home of Indies provided to us was among the best we’ve received at any expo. High-quality equipment is especially crucial for us indie developers, whose games are often still unoptimized in parts and who have to get along with the equipment provided on site. Everything worked seamlessly, and if there were any failures, we certainly didn’t notice them.

The overall package was just right. We received a branded booth equipped with top-notch technology, a lockable cabinet, and we could have added a chair to avoid having to stand all the time (something you desperately wish for during five full days of the expo!). From our visits to expos around the world, we know that this is far from standard. Home of Indies, with its premium equipment, enabled us to present our game optimally.

Dedicated and Reliable from the Beginning to the End

We already had a positive impression of Home of Indies at Gamescom 2022. After a brief introduction, we quickly decided to collaborate the following year. Everything essential was settled via email swiftly. However, amidst the hectic routine of game development, we missed a deadline or two. Fortunately, Home of Indies was thoughtful, reminding us of our timelines and facilitating many aspects through informal means. Our emails always received prompt responses, and even inquiries like “Are we allowed to hammer an axe into the wall?” were patiently addressed (“No, you are not!”).

Both during the planning phase and throughout the expo, Home of Indies was a dependable partner. We felt well-supported at all times and could sense and see the sincere interest they had in us. Home of Indies was always present and approachable, going above and beyond for us and all other exhibitors in the area. Thanks to their contacts, we secured a deal with INSTINCT3 under unbeatable terms, granting us professional media support. This was a tremendous opportunity that paid off for us. Just one video campaign resulted in over 1000 wishlists, a remarkable achievement for an indie game. Our visibility noticeably increased as a result.

During our time in the Home of Indies Area, we felt part of a community. Instead of a divided environment, we experienced a strong sense of fellowship and had a great relationship with other exhibitors, the Home of Indies staff, and the tech team. We learned from each other, exchanged ideas, and made contacts on equal footing, some of which evolved into genuine friendships. This made the expo an enriching experience.

Equal Participation Opportunities for Everyone

One aspect we greatly appreciate about Home of Indies is its provision of their participation opportunities for everyone. Anyone willing to invest some money and showcase their game can do so at Home of Indies without undergoing a curation process. Because of that a game with initial weaknesses can be brought to top-level within half a year — and that is the standard all passionate game developers, investing time, money, and effort, strive for.

The curation process is critical as it leaves developers in uncertainty for a long time about whether they can participate. Home of Indies offers planning security. Of course, games are still checked in advance for content, violations, ethics, age ratings, etc., but their potential is also considered. Home of Indies has the expertise for this and, in our opinion, has so far only showcased exhibitors with high-caliber games.

Back with Home of Indies in 2024

For Gamescom 2023, we set three goals. Firstly, we wanted to gather feedback from the community to see how our game was received. This was successful. There were consistently people at our booth playing and sharing their impressions with us. Secondly, we aimed to make new contacts in the business area and expand our network. This too was achieved. We easily engaged in conversation with other exhibitors, meeting them without prejudice or a competitive mindset. The third goal was to increase the visibility of our game. We accomplished this as well. We generated a remarkable number of wishlists, thanks to professional media support. This support resulted from synergies that wouldn’t have existed without Home of Indies.

All these reasons are why we will be returning to Gamescom with Home of Indies in 2024, this time with the largest booth option. Last year, we experienced that Home of Indies provides an exceptional platform for showcasing and truly advancing one’s game. For a more than fair price developers are offered a lot, which they can and should use. The commitment and reliability of Home of Indies far exceed what we are accustomed to. Being guided and supported by people who are genuinely committed is all we can ask for in an expo partner.

Let's connect !

Christiane Gehrke

Senior Event Communication & Sales Manager


Agentur für Messen & Kommunikation GmbH

+49 170 953 22 97


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